Al-Sadiq Elementary School


Canadian Aid and Relief Foundation’s Imam al-Sadiq elementary school exclusively educates orphans. Entering its fifteenth year in 2022, over sixty teachers and administrators educate over 450 boys and girls, all of which are orphans.

Students study math, science, history, social studies, Arabic, and English, Saturday through Thursday. What makes the Canadian Aid and Relief Foundation’s school so special is the fact that CARF has gone beyond the required curriculum by adding computer labs and physical education courses into its curriculum as well.

Al-Sadiq Elementary school has had a 100% pass rating for over fourteen years and counting. In fact, the Iraqi Ministry of Education awarded Al-Sadiq Elementary school with a Certificate of Excellence for providing students with a quality education along with a clean and secure environment where students excel and perform beyond expectations. Food, clothing, school supplies, regular healthcare check-ups, and transportation are provided to all students free of charge.

Iraqi families face dire economic restraints, many are forced to have their children work as street vendors selling cheap items for a small profit. For that reason, legal guardians of the orphans are given financial support to ensure they keep the orphans in school and out of the harsh Iraqi streets.

Donors like you, from all around the world make this possible. CARF asks for your generous support to continue and advance our success. Together, we can enrich the lives of Iraqi orphans who have been through so much at such a young age.